Modern Outdoor Furniture Manufacturer

DANTRINDO, founded in 2002, is a Foreign Invest company (PMA) in Indonesia who specialize in manufacturing high quality outdoor furniture.

Our innovative inhouse designs are well accepted in the European market.  
We have gain trust from some of the well known outdoor furniture brands in the world, to be their manufacturing partner. We are always driven by the eagerness to create innovative new product.

Currently we supply to several reputable outdoor furniture brands in Europe and USA. Every year we produce more than 150 different designs. Our yearly capacity is more than 350 x 40HC.


  • Modern machineries
  • Investment in automation
  • Hi-tech R&D infrastructures
  • Passionate in new technology for making better product

Expert & Skilled

  • Dedicated to quality
  • Attention to detail
  • Constant improvement of production know-how

Precision &

  • Precise component make all the difference
  • Zero target for re-work
  • Detail quality check on each production process


  • Labor cost control with time tracking software
  • Focus heavily on detail production process to cut cost

PRODUCTION Capabilities

With our production capabilities, today we can produce furniture that is beautiful, high precision, and cost efficient.

Aspal Biasa

Aspal biasa adalah zat bitumen yang diperoleh dengan menghilangkan komponen ringan dari minyak mentah menggunakan unit distilasi vakum dan atmosfir.

Aspal Modifikasi

Aspal modifikasi adalah material elastomer termoplastik, dll, tersebar dan dilarutkan secara seragam ke dalam aspal untuk meningkatkan kekuatan dan daya tahan.

Aspal Emulsi

Emulsi aspal adalah cairan berwarna kecoklatan di mana aspal dibuat menjadi partikel-partikel kecil dan terdispersi dalam air dan digunakan di jalan-jalan dengan cara disemprotkan atau dicampur dengan batu pada suhu normal.

Aspal Campuran

Campuran aspal adalah suatu material di mana agregat kasar, agregat halus, filler dan aspal dicampur menjadi satu dengan perbandingan tertentu.